Core Stabilization

Core Stabilization

Core stabilization techniques are utilized to work the abdominal muscles and other postural muscles to help create and maintain an ideal alignment. Many physical therapy and rehabilitation clinics are now offering programs to improve core strength for their neck and back patients. These programs are designed to focus on the abdominal and back muscles needed to improve postural alignment. Core strength is also important to support the kind of body mechanics many individuals will need to avoid back strain that may occur while performing their daily chores and tasks.


The many benefits of core strength may include:


A) pain relief

B) healthy alignment of the bones and curves of the spine

C) muscles will maintain their normal length


Dynamic stabilization refers to targeted exercises on the core postural muscles. These exercises are typically performed by keeping your trunk or base steady, while moving one or more extremities. If the trunk stabilizer muscles, abdominal and back muscles, any arm or leg movements may cause corresponding movements in the trunk. Having weakness in the core muscles can cause or increase back pain and often joint stress. Dynamic stabilization exercises can help to strengthen the body's core, which may help lessen back pain.


Dynamic stabilization exercises are often used to treat physical therapy patients who suffer from upper and lower back pain. These techniques can also be found in many fitness programs such as yoga and Pilates.